9 september 2012


Sometimes I think I use my spare time in the wrong way

17 juni 2012

I want to be turquoise


22 november 2011

I don't want "tvättstugeångest"

To do laundary is terrible.. Laundry rooms just make me completly unhappy. enough said.

16 november 2011

I want to move..

I'm moving away from here, more correctly, I'm just changing residence... I'm officially moving away from home

29 augusti 2011

I want routines!

Okay, I need to pull myself together now.
The veggies in the fridge I bought when I moved here are starting to look rather unhappy.
... And the '2-man-party' last night before the first school day wasn't the best idea

21 augusti 2011

I want a gaffatejp Moustache

Not so down about the school anymore... I think it's because of the Moustache

Gaffa less than three

17 augusti 2011

I don't want to grow up!

I'm officially an university student now.

I wish I would have a better feeling about it...

it feels so so.

here is a cool painting (by an Indian artist):

9 augusti 2011


26 juli 2011

I want entertainment

Airports with out tax free shops sucks, enough said.

25 juli 2011

I want privacy!

During my stay in B&H I've come to realise one thing; You need to be brave to go to public bathrooms here.
I haven't entered a singel bathroom with a working lock...

27 juni 2011

I want a B&H soul

in ze Bosnia & Herzegovina.
So much food, everywhere, everytime! Apart from food, a lot of nice people. They're all really kind each and every one of them. I'm really grateful.

Eating breakfast at the moment with a blue bird as company.

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7 juni 2011

I want questions #2

2 juni 2011

I want to fry him...

And then eat him.
I almost drove over a pheasant... with my bike. I'm rather sure it's the same one which wakes me up in the morning. I belive the only purpose with his existens is to make my life slightly worse.

31 maj 2011

I want to draw tattoos...


27 maj 2011

I want to win this interior war...

Because you're lacking in taste (based on a true story)...

it's raining.